The Adscan Opportunity
The Liberals are trying to put a postive spin on the Adscam scandal, and to make the opposition party to be the villans
"I hope we're not close to an election because we want the truth and the whole truth in this sponsorship affair and I think if the opposition wants to be opportunistic and prevent people from getting the truth it would be sad," Jean Lapierre said.
If an election happens the Gomery Inquiry will still have results and the people will still get the truth. Contrary to what the Liberals think, there can be truth, without them in power.
If the government is defeated in a vote of non-confidence it will be an opportunity that the Liberals themselves created, the result of a corrupt government. I would hardly call a defeat of the government as being opportunistic.
Paul Martin, himself innocent or guilty, should be judged by the company he keeps.
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